Ah, the Internet. A place where most people can do their job a lot faster. A place where people can express also whatever the heck they feel. I’m one of those people. Plus some give or take more or less skills.
The birth of this Website
was mainly to express some frustrations while working as a software engineer, but also to report some findings my colleagues find during this endeavour.
That’s a word it has a very good meaning. For most of the people, quite the opposite, but, damn, when you’re useless you are funny (sometimes).
To the point then :

A colleague found The Useless Web
An awesome site (of which gave me the idea of a trolling based context site), contains 1 javascript which after each click gets you to a
Completely Useless, Pointless, (and sometimes Offensive) Site.
Author is Tim Holman and I quote what he says:
The Useless Web… because some websites, we just couldn’t do without.
Damn right! Some sites in there are PURE GOLD.
The Staggering Beauty

And classics such as “Is it Christmas?“
This one I think the guy also changed it. Now it resolves your IP and responds in your language :D.
Useless you say ?
Well I got one more step further. Below you will find all the sites featured in the master site , of which I got them from his source code.
Have fun 😀
var sitesList = [ ['http://heeeeeeeey.com/', false, 7], ['http://cant-not-tweet-this.com/', false, 7], ['http://eelslap.com/', false, 5], ['http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/', false, 7], // ['http://www.omfgdogs.com/', false, 7], Down :( ['http://burymewithmymoney.com/', true, 7], ['http://www.fallingfalling.com/', true, 3], ['http://ducksarethebest.com/', false, 7], ['http://www.trypap.com/', false, 4], ['http://www.republiquedesmangues.fr/', false, 7], ['http://www.movenowthinklater.com/', false, 6], // ['http://www.hristu.net/', true, 6], Down :( ['http://www.partridgegetslucky.com/', false, 6], // ['http://hectorsalamanca.com/', true, 5], Big fat donate button ['http://www.rrrgggbbb.com/', true, 7], ['http://beesbeesbees.com/', false, 3], ['http://www.sanger.dk/', true, 4], // ['http://www.idiotic.com/', true, 7], Down :( ['http://breakglasstosoundalarm.com/', false, 3], ['http://www.koalastothemax.com/', false, 7], ['http://www.everydayim.com/', false, 7], ['http://www.leduchamp.com/', true, 7], ['http://www.geodu.de/', false, 4], ['http://www.haneke.net/', false, 7], // ['http://instantostrich.com/', true, 7], Lame banner ['http://r33b.net/', true, 6], ['http://randomcolour.com/', false, 6], ['http://cat-bounce.com/', true, 6], ['http://www.sadforjapan.com/', true, 5], ['http://isitchristmas.com/', false, 5], // ['http://infinitefrogs.com/', false, 5], ['http://www.taghua.com/', true, 5], ['http://chrismckenzie.com/', true, 6], ['http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/', false, 5], ['http://ninjaflex.com/', false, 4], ['http://iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples.com/', true, 6], ['http://ihasabucket.com/', false, 4], // ['http://www.feedthehead.net/', true, 5], Iphone banner ['http://corndogoncorndog.com/', false, 4], // ['http://www.oppositeofpoop.com/', false, 4], Down ['http://giantbatfarts.com/', true, 4], ['http://www.ringingtelephone.com/', true, 6], // ['http://chickenonaraft.com/', false, 4], Went down. ['http://www.pointerpointer.com/', false, 4], ['http://www.pleasedonate.biz/', false, 5], ['http://imaninja.com/', false, 3], ['http://willthefuturebeaweso.me/', false, 3], ['http://salmonofcapistrano.com/', false, 3], ['http://www.ismycomputeron.com/', false, 5], ['http://www.ooooiiii.com/', true, 3], ['http://www.wwwdotcom.com/', false, 3], ['http://www.nullingthevoid.com/', true, 6], ['http://www.muchbetterthanthis.com/', true, 5], ['http://www.ouaismaisbon.ch/', true, 3], // ['http://cutmeoffmidfunk.com/', false, 4], Down now ['http://iamawesome.com/', false, 3], ['http://www.pleaselike.com/', false, 7], ['http://crouton.net/', false, 3], ['http://corgiorgy.com/', false, 3], // ['http://www.clicktoremove.com/', false, 3], Lame external link // ['http://dastardlydigitofdestiny.com/', false, 3], Sloooow ['http://www.electricboogiewoogie.com/', true, 6], ['http://www.nelson-haha.com/', false, 6], ['http://www.wutdafuk.com/', false, 6], ['http://unicodesnowmanforyou.com/', false, 3], ['http://tencents.info/', false, 3], ['http://intotime.com/', true, 4], // ['http://haveahairymovember.com', false, 4], Broken ['http://leekspin.com/', true, 3], ['http://minecraftstal.com/', false, 4], ['http://www.riddlydiddly.com/', false, 5], ['http://www.patience-is-a-virtue.org/', false, 2], ['http://whitetrash.nl/', false, 2], ['http://www.theendofreason.com/', false, 2], ['http://zombo.com', true, 1], ['http://secretsfornicotine.com/', true, 1], ['http://pixelsfighting.com/', false, 1], ['http://crapo.la/', false, 1], ['http://baconsizzling.com/', false, 1], ];P.S. Browse the above sites with your own consent.